“Hi, Rudy.” I just met him and he greeted me like we were best friends. “Look what I can do.” He ran jumped and dove into the big fat mat. I watched him and remembered how much fun it is to be in a safe place to be free to go too fast to lose balance to bounce and roll. He ran back to me, “Did you see what I did.” That is how I met Will. Five years old and he had accomplished what I believe is most important in life. He knows who he is and how to take care of himself and he knows how to create a good relationship with someone else. Coaching Will has always been an easy conversation. We enjoy listening to each other. Will is and has always been a charismatic communicator.
Whether he is performing for the NBA as a member of the Brooklyn Nets acro team or thrilling children as the mascot for the Mets he continues to have the childhood freedom of knowing himself and the adult freedom of developing mind and muscle to reach his potential.
I was inspired by Will on the day I met him and I still am.